Mental Health Awareness Week - Get back to nature

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and we wanted to highlight a study of 20,000 people conducted by the European Centre for Environment & Human Health at the University of Exeter, which found that people who spent at least two hours a week in green spaces - local parks or other natural environments - were significantly more likely to report good health and psychological well-being than those who spent less than 120 minutes in nature no matter the person’s age, gender, ethnicity or ability level.

The study also suggested that it didn’t matter whether the 2 hours was achieved through a single outing or over several shorter outings so if you don’t have time for a 2 hour stroll why not break it up into an hour each day over the weekend or less than 20 minutes a day!

Let’s get back to nature 😊🌿


Focus on your posture


Mental Health Awareness Week - Stress Management